6 Ways to Spot a Legitimate Home Business Opportunity

by | Oct 14, 2020 | Business Strategy

You know you want the freedom and benefits in your life that a home-based business can offer, but what will you do? 

Many people know what they want, but maybe you are not yet sure. It’s time to begin the hunt.    

The best home business opportunity for one person may be entirely different for another. We all have different likes, dislikes, skills, and abilities. However, many potential home-based entrepreneurs are often put off starting any business type because they don’t know what is legitimate or a waste of your valuable time and money.

Don’t let that happen to you!

The internet offers many legitimate home-based business opportunities but make sure you do your homework first committing to anything that you may regret. Here are six ways to spot a legitimate online home business from something that is most likely phony and best avoided.

Here are a few crucial tips shared by Jon Allo to help you find opportunities that won’t leave your high and dry: 

1. Can You Contact The Business?

A legitimate home business opportunity will make it easy for you to contact the owners or their support team. At the minimum, there will be a real business website with a real business email address. If you search online you should be able to find out more information about the business and how it operates.

2. Are You Promised That You’ll Get Rich Quick?

Any home business opportunity that promises you’ll become rich overnight is not for real. Running your own home business involves skill and work to make money. It’s not possible to start a business, do nothing, and earn huge amounts of cash.

3. Is There A Money Back Guarantee?

An investment in a home business opportunity is regarded as standard. Beware as most unscrupulous opportunities only want your money. Always ensure that you can get a full refund for any investment within a certain period of time if you find that it’s not for you.

4. Does It Sound Too Good to Be True?

Take time to research the company. Do your due diligence and walk away if you can’t prove they’re legitimate.

5. Are You Pressured To Act Now?

Don’t be forced into making a decision if you’re not ready. If you’re told that you must act immediately or lose out forever, then something’s not right. A real home business opportunity is going to be there tomorrow.

6. Have You Been Offered You A Position You Didn’t Apply For?

This sometimes occurs when you submit an application for a real business opportunity online. Your information is hacked, and you are sent an offer about a completely unrelated business that is offering you easy money for minimal effort. If this happens, just refer back to the points above.

Regardless of your age, education, technical skills, or qualifications, there are no specific requirements for being a successful online entrepreneur. However, you will be more successful with a solid business model to work from, clear direction, training, and support.


This is an excellent direction when you are researching many home business opportunities. 

In addition, we recommend you thoroughly evaluate the income against the reality of the work. Even if it is a legitimate opportunity, you may be working endless hours for little or no reward.

If you need help setting up your new business correctly, call Business Untangled today!

We can be your expert guide to avoid making costly mistakes, save stress, and pay less in tax.  All of that equals home-business success for you!

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