GAS Up Your Self-Improvement
What do you want to show for your time spent when you come out of our current isolation?
Do you wish to improve yourself? Most people do. That explains why the bookstores have hundreds of titles on self-improvement. A recent search on the Internet reveals over 766,000,000 hits on the keywords of self-improvement book.
Since many people are searching for self-improvement, why aren’t more people experiencing success? The answer to this question, I believe, is people forget the basics of self-improvement. These basics are the cornerstones from which to build a solid foundation for self-improvement.
Self -Leadership Skills
Goals take us from where we are now to where we wish to go. Yet, most people do not commit their goals to write, nor do they truly understand how to construct a solid goal statement.
For example, what happens when you leave your written shopping list at home? You buy more, forget stuff, and generally feel pretty silly when you return from your trip only to discover everything you failed to buy. Then since a written shopping list has significant value because of the wasted resources of time, energy, and money, where is the written plan, including goals for the rest of your life? If you do not have a written action plan, you are giving an everyday written shopping list more value than your entire future!
Attitudes have been described by some as habits of thought. Your attitudes will directly determine how you view and, more importantly, react to life. Due to early negative childhood conditioning, you are likely predisposed to looking at life through the lenses of misery and hopelessness.
Only you can change your attitudes. There are many useful tools that can help you develop positive affirmations or what I call positive belief statements. These affirmations allow you to reprogram your brain and create the Do Attitudes that override your existing Don’t Attitudes.
Integrity is having moral soundness that gives you credibility with yourself and others.
According to, “Having integrity means doing the right thing in a reliable way. It’s a personality trait that we admire since it means a person has a moral compass that doesn’t waver.”
Developing a good process and solid work ethic in everything you do creates a positive vibe around you. Manifesting integrity will help you attract the life you want using the power of your mind.
Self-Leadership Skills allow us to maximize our interactions with others as well as with ourselves. Unfortunately, most of these soft or interpersonal skills must be developed to realize their full potential. However, once established, they become almost self-perpetuating, resulting in greater success for each individual.
As you put together your self-improvement plan, focus on the basis of goals, attitudes, integrity, and self-leadership. You just may be surprised by how quickly you realize truly extraordinary results!
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