Building Momentum in Business

by | Feb 10, 2021 | Business Strategy

As a business owner, you have a lot on your plate, so you decide what to prioritize. You only have so much time to spend each day, and it’s essential we make the most out of every minute before it passes by. 

When we realize the amount of work we need to get done, we can’t risk putting off our priorities. 

In other words, we find ourselves “in the zone” and it becomes a habit to leave no task undone. 

This is what we call momentum in action, and it is one of the most important things that business owners should always take advantage of. 

What is momentum?

If you remember your high school physics class, you can define momentum as “mass in motion.” 

Objects in motion build momentum over time. It then comes to a point when they create so much momentum that it takes greater force to stop them. 

But how do we apply this scientific concept in the world of business? 

Well, think about something as mundane as working out. It would seem hard on your first try. You struggle with lifting weights, and you feel you are not ready for higher speeds on a treadmill. 

Later, you skip your gym schedules either because you need “time to rest” or forget that you even have a schedule.

Instead of building endurance, you feel like each visit to the gym only gets harder and harder.

That’s because you were unable to gather enough momentum. Being consistent with your activities trains your brain to go with the flow and adapt to a routine. 

With that being said, doing a specific action consistently produces positive pressure and puts your mind in the zone. Over time, you won’t need to be reminded about visiting the gym. The activity is already a part of your system, and you stop thinking about the time and the work you need to put in at the pilates or treadmill. 

Harnessing the power of momentum

Much like going to the gym, managing a business requires consistency. You need to understand that every second is a precious resource, so you will have to maximize whatever time you have to stay on the path towards growth.

It all starts with knowing how you can build momentum as a business owner:

Tip #1: Start Small

Momentum starts with a simple action. It’s challenging to get anything done if you don’t take the first step. Pick a habit like going over your finances or checking data from your marketing campaign. Add it to your daily list of tasks, so you will always need to go over it. It would seem mundane at first, but eventually, you will get around to doing it every day.

Tip #2: Identify your priorities

Aside from habits, you will also need to double down on activities you consider high priority tasks. Think about their impact on your business and how overlooking them could cause you to miss out on valuable opportunities. Making use of an organizer or planner should help you stay focused on what it is that demands a great deal of your time and effort.

Tip #3: Know how far you have come

A vital tip to consider when building momentum is to check your progress when you think you have already invested a lot in a campaign, project, or activity. When you are promoting your business through social media, don’t think about getting immediate results. Give yourself time to focus on creating great content and posting them on Facebook or LinkedIn. If you believe you have already done enough, look at the results that this campaign has produced. From there, you can choose whether to press on or improve the way you reach out to customers.

The bottom line is that you need to be consistent as a business owner if you want things to go your way. It’s essential to have goals and dreams for your enterprise, but you still need to have a mindset bent on building momentum.

Business management, bookkeeping, and taxes are not high on anyone’s list of fun things to do but procrastination and mismanagement can be very costly.  The Business Untangled System will make these tasks as easy as A-B-C for you.  

Call Business Untangled today so you can double down on the opportunities that matter most!

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