Think of Banana Splits and Licorice

by | Aug 19, 2019 | Business Strategy

Ever have one of those days when you don’t want to go to work?

We all have those days.  As an entrepreneur, it is beneficial to not let it get to us and create a better mindset   

Is it possible to create a better mood for yourself? Can you do it for others? If it is possible, why isn’t everyone always happy?

Unfortunately, it is not as simple as just thinking of banana splits and licorice to put on a happy face.

One reason why people don’t improve their mood more often is that they don’t know they can.

Moods influence the way we make decisions and as entrepreneurs, we always strive for the possible options for our businesses. It is proven that happiness makes our brains work better.

Being too emotional with the way we manage our businesses could spell disaster. Rational decisions are crucial to sustaining the bottom line. If we let our emotional impulses do the decision-making, then choosing the right courses of action won’t be possible.

As a business owner, we should keep our emotional biases out of every business negotiation and let reason dictate how we deal with customers and business partners alike.

The key here is to improve our moods by changing our mindsets for the better. Studies have shown it is possible to improve your mood.

So, how exactly are you going to do that?

First, start with something as simple as thinking you’re in a good mood. if you believe it, your attitude will change. In fact, even when you aren’t in a positive mood, the simple act of smiling can perk you up.

Second, you should reflect on your life and be grateful for what you have. Remember the small things they are the most important. Take a few minutes to write down the things you are thankful and you will be surprised how many there are.

Next, create an environment for yourself that lifts your spirits. If a certain type of music gets you pumped, play that music more often. Some people like to burn incense as they feel it can positively after their moods.

Try not to worry about the mundane issues in your life. They are going to happen whether you worry or not. Just take care of them so that they aren’t hanging over your head. Don’t let things build to the point that they become a major matter.

It may seem obvious, but do more things that make you happy and less that don’t. It’s not always possible to avoid adverse situations, but you do have control over most of the activities in your life.

Sometimes, all that is needed is to change up your routine. If you are doing the same activities day in and day out, this can make anyone feel in a bad mood. Try stepping up your game and do something out of the ordinary. In fact, make it a point to do this at least once every month.

These six practical tips for improving your mood can benefit you in the long term. You just have to make sure you’re doing the best you can to apply them in any situation.

Put on a happy face, Business Untangled is your ultimate partner for business success. Contact us today!



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