Are you “planning” to succeed?

by | Sep 9, 2019 | Business Strategy

Some people take chances like flying a kite in a lightning storm…

Benjamin Franklin is credited with once saying, “ If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.”

Where do you intend to go with your business?…

And how are you going to get there?

We all know if you are planning to go somewhere you need to first, know where you are at; second, know where you are going and THEN you can evaluate the best possible route to get there. Would you set out to reach a faraway destination without directions?  Of course not.  It is the same with making a plan for your business.  Just waiting to see where things may end up is not being committed and can hardly prove your intent to make a profit.  Once you have established the destination of your business (to make a profit), it’s important to determine the directions of how you will reach this destination.

You need to develop a personal involvement plan or business plan, that defines your “what”, “why”, “who”, “where”, “when”, and “how”.  This proven method to succeed will not only help you manage your business but is also significant in determining whether your activity is a “business” or a “hobby”. 

A business plan does not have to be complex but you need one to get on the road to business success.  To help guide you through this process provide a detailed explanation that clearly defines what is specific to your business and/or best describes your intent for the following:

1.)   Vision  – What is your goal or plan to accomplish with your business?

2.)  Mission Statement – This is a statement that communicates the purpose of your business.  – your “why”.

3.)  Profile – This is your “who” and is a summary of a company’s products and operations including human resources.   

4.)  Marketing Plan – Where are you going to get the word out about your new business and product offerings?

5.)  Timeline –  When will these plans have to be implemented to make your new business viable?

6.)  Sales Strategy – How will you sell your product?

Make your plan, implement but don’t forget to revise it from time to time – it is a key element to the success of your business. 

“Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act. There is no other route to success.” – Pablo Picasso

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