Is There a Formula for Being Decisive?
It is probably safe to say we all have made decisions that came back to bite us or we regretted. Think of one of yours… Did you make the decision in a hurry? Didn’t you always know in the pit of your stomach, that is was not the right thing to do? The answer is...
Is There Hidden Treasure In Your Tax Returns?
REVIEW YOUR TAX RETURNS – YOU COULD HAVE THE IRS SEND YOU A CHECK WITHIN 90 DAYS! If you have overpaid your taxes, your tax return can be corrected and the IRS will mail you a refund in approximately three months. You may do this if it is not more than three years...
Is Your Retirement Plan Going To Bite You?
Early withdrawal from your retirement plan or IRA can mean a major tax bite! It is very important to discuss with your tax advisor any decision to withdraw funds from your pension plan or 401K earlier than the age of 59 ½ BEFORE you make a withdrawal on your...
Are You Creating A Mixed-up Mess?
One of the IRS’s biggest pet peeves is when the business owner mixes his business funds with his personal funds. This inappropriate handling of business funds is known as commingling. You must keep a separate business account using it only for business purposes and a...
He Deducted His Family Vacation?
Your family vacation is definitely NOT tax deductible. However, there are tax breaks to gain if you combine your vacation with a business trip. It requires careful planning and self-discipline; you can’t go off to the beach when you are supposed to go to your business...
Are you mentally ready for success?
6 Tips To Help You Cultivate The Mindset That Will Boost Your Home Business Success The one thing you must understand about becoming an entrepreneur is – this journey will not allow you to skip over the ups and downs contained within entrepreneurship as that...
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