Is It Good Or Bad To File A Tax Extension?
Some people are scared silly of not filing their taxes by the April 15 deadline (It is moved to April 18th for 2022 due to Emancipation Day falling on April 15.). As a tax expert who spent over 20 years owning a successful tax business, I can tell you there is...
How does affirmation influence your mindset and actions?
Words have power, and what you say or think has a big impact on people, including yourself. Confirming something is the act of putting what you are thinking into the realm of reality. Affirmations, whether good or negative, can impact your mindset and actions. Words...
What Is The Secret To Building A Valuable Network?
Networking is a skill that is essential for business owners like yourself need to hone. According to leadership author Diane Helbig, “Networking is an investment in your business, and it takes time and when done correctly can yield great results for years to come.”...
How to master the art of decisive thinking?
Do you have a personal process for solving a particular problem? Every business owner has to have one. It's essential to prepare for anything that might come our way, so we need to prepare and condition our minds into making decisions that matter. Look at the most...
Why is Entering Unfamiliar Territory Good for Your Business?
Let me share with you an overused life quote: “The only constant thing is change.” You probably heard this many times before from motivational speakers, but the message rings true to business owners in every instance. It’s impossible to escape change. And the...
3 Ways to Keeping Your Cool at the Negotiating Table!
Business owners are people, emotional beings, not machines devoid of feelings. Emotions can make or break a deal, so it is imperative we learn to manage our emotions and use them to our advantage. We get excited when we close a sale and become determined when we know...
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