How can changes bring you new chances for success?
Another year has passed… or should I say another decade?
While you are reflecting on the past ten years, we have to agree that change is inevitable. Most people resist change. But change can be very good as it often leads you to something better!
As you look back over the past year, ask yourself three questions.
1.) What did I do best to serve my clients?
2.) What one thing up-leveled my business the most?
3.) What risk should I have taken but has resulted in a missed opportunity?
New opportunities and challenges are waiting for you in 2020. It’s only a matter of facing them head-on and using them as a scaffold for building success!
Even positive change can get scary. You will be forced out of your comfort zone. You will have to make very critical decisions that could redefine your life over the next ten years.
Anxiety sets in once you begin to think about uncertainty. This causes you to lose track of the goals you have set for yourself. Added to that is the feeling of having lost something you were once passionate about.
Nothing can be worse than not knowing where you want to go. And this is what makes change so scary and enigmatic. Then again, all we need to embrace change is to come up with the right actions that are aimed towards specific goals.
But how on earth can we do that? The steps below will provide a good start.
– Set your priorities
You probably have a laundry list of the most important things to do this 2020, but how sure are you that these can be accomplished by the end of the year?
Choose your priorities wisely. Zero in on goals that will have long term effects, and never settle for those that won’t have a significant impact in your life. Your time, energy, and money are better spent on those things which guarantee the greatest returns.
– Be your own financial manager
The priorities you listed down probably require a lot of resources. At times, you will find yourself spending more money than you actually need. Your finances will definitely play a key role in helping you accomplish your goals and not doing enough to keep them intact can blow all your goals to smithereens.
Let 2020 be a year for financial reclamation. If you weren’t so keen on handling your investments in 2019, a positive turn around is possible – that is, if you have discipline and implement a good bookkeeping and accounting system.
– Be courageous and take risks – but with care!
Nothing good ever comes out of staying where you are. There’s a big difference between dreaming and building success. Action helps you cross over to the other side, so if you have a plan in mind, set it into motion and take steps, even baby steps, towards it every day!
Taking calculated risks is best. Action can produce great results when you plan for it well. Once you have created a plan, continuously work on it, apply it, and make needed improvements as needed.
Don’t get discouraged if you fail on your first try. Failure paves the road to success. Simply go back to the drawing board and start planning again, only this time, you include the lessons you learned from your failed try.
If you are a believer, I recommend to always seek Divine Guidance from the Good Book itself. Dig deep into your faith and you will be surprised at what you can achieve!
You CAN be successful in 2020! At times it may be a painful process, but it can only get better if you remain optimistic, faithful, and unyielding.
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