How to Stay Motivated and Productive as a Business Owner

by | Nov 4, 2020 | Promotion

Building your own business is, as I like to call it, the ultimate “Earn While You Learn Plan.” Fulfilling your dream, so while it is uplifting, it requires consistent effort. No matter how small an enterprise you own, you need to exert energy in everything you do every day. And sooner or later, you will find the daily grind of a long term project bogging you down.  You must be empowered to get you through! 

Empowerment is the process of being encouraged to think, behave, and make decisions while taking action towards your business objective. You must be empowered to feel in control, trust yourself to make decisions, and manage your responsibilities to achieve your goals.

It is part of the journey; there will always be obstacles along the way that can slow you down. Creative, financial, and operational blockages are just some of the things that get in the way between you and the goals you need to achieve. 

When you hit that challenge, how can you reignite your energy and imagination to make it through that big project that is ahead of you? Being empowered keeps you inspired and enable you to overcome when encountering a complex challenge.

You must rock to success, and fortunately, you can do away with these hindrances by using the following easy tips:

Achieve Mini-Goals with Chunking:

We are made to think that looking in the long-term gives us the incentive to grow. Doing hands-on work can be very overwhelming, especially when you are in the process of expanding your business.

You may have heard the analogy, “How do you eat an elephant?” The answer, of course, is “one bite at a time”.  Take your tasks and divide them into smaller, more manageable projects.  Chunking like tasks together will help you to be more efficient.  Chunking is more productive than multitasking as you can focus on one thing to fruition.

Dedicate specific blocks of time for a particular task and don’t allow interruptions.  You will reduce the time spent in start-up moments and accomplish the task at hand more efficiently. You will be surprised how much you can achieve with less effort.  You can also do this similarly with your outgoing phone calls, processing emails, and client appointment scheduling. 

Use chunking to become more focused and productive. This way, you can fight overwhelm and have a sense of accomplishment as you get each chunk completed.  And before you know it – your project is done! 

If you want your business to succeed, chopping up your goals and achieving them one at a time is the way to go. Setting mini-goals helps you manage your time and energy to produce quality outcomes that will keep your business on the right track.

Offer Rewards

Now that you have mini-goals, you will need to give yourself enough motivation to do what you have to do. This way, you set yourself up for success by giving yourself incentives and rewards. 

Whether it’s a repetitive task or a major marketing campaign, every activity you undertake should have something to offer you in return.

This is where incentives and rewards come in. Psychology makes a case for using a rewards system in any organization. Nothing motivates people better than the idea of receiving a reward for a job well done. Since you are self-employed, you must be the one to set up the reward system, but be realistic as if you are setting it up for someone else. 

Going beyond simple expressions like “I like what I did with this,” you may explore other ways to reward yourself. You can go on holiday after completing a major project. You can also go on a family outing where you can pamper yourself and get ready for the goals you have on your list.  Maybe you just splurge on a steak dinner. 

Any kind of reward will do so long as it gives you a sense of satisfaction. You just need to make sure that the work you do adds value to your business. It is counterproductive to reward yourself for completing tasks that don’t open you to greater growth opportunities. 

Just as an athlete needs a good coach, so does a business owner. 

While it’s possible to succeed on your own, experts can help you stay on track and achieve your goals exponentially faster than you would on your own. 

Look to Business Untangled to help you handle the most complicated parts of managing your small business. We are experts in making the rigors of running your back office as easy as ABC. We can help you manage your business entity’s legalities, tax education strategies, and implementing QuickBooks. The Business Untangled System will save you time, frustration, help you pay less tax, and make and keep more money.  Contact us today!

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