Self-Affirmation 101 for Business Owners

by | Apr 14, 2021 | Uncategorized

Being in business means having to encounter uncertainties. While you cannot always expect things to go your way, there will always be times when you fall short of your day-to-day goals.  

If you’re having a terrible day, just stop for a minute, take a deep breath and take a few minutes to be kind to yourself. You can’t undo the bad things that have already happened, but you can turn around your bad day right now. 

Here are four simple things you can do to be kind to yourself and stop that rough day in its tracks.

Take some time out

When everything seems to be going wrong, you can stop that negative spiral by taking a break. If you can, get out of the office.  Do some deep breathing in the park or even look out of the window for a few minutes.

Or maybe you may do well with a cup  herbal tea or a glass of water. Anything that makes you feel calmer and more in control.

Plan a treat

If your day is going from bad to worse, make a plan to do something luxurious and relaxing. A long bath with the good bath oil, get takeout for dinner, book a weekend away, or set up dinner with your partner or a friend.

Give our-self something inspiring and fun to look forward to

Reset your self-talk

Take a moment to look at how you are talking to yourself. Are you beating yourself up? Do the words ‘you always’ or ‘you never’ crop up in your self-talk? Or maybe ‘you’re no good’, or ‘why can’t you ’?

Reset your Inner Critic to your Inner Champion and turn that self-talk around. Would you talk to a friend like that? No way! Then be kind to yourself. Everyone has bad days; you need nurturing, not beating up!

Celebrate the small wins

Sometimes it can feel like an achievement to get through the day at all! If you’re having a bad day, write down all your wins, big and small.

If you took the time to eat lunch, made it to the gym or yoga class, fed your family, and walked the dog, you are on a winning streak!

If you called those client prospects, balanced your checking account, or updated the procedure manual – that’s huge! 

Whatever you do, make it fun and pat yourself on the back for all the checks on your list. 

You can take it a step further and write down the bad things that didn’t happen. You didn’t spill coffee; you didn’t lose a client; you didn’t forget to pick up the kids.


You can have a big win by mastering the crucial elements of running your own business – it is as easy as A-B-C!  Many of our clients have reported profit increases of 150% – 233% in one year after implementing The Business Untangled System.  Maybe it’s time for you to see what it could do for your business.  Why wait?  Call today 469-458-0447.

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