The 4 Challenges You Need to Overcome
Fear Failure? Let’s imagine you’re traveling smooth roads when it comes to running your business. Maybe you are even on the verge of building a multi-million dollar venture!
There’s no dream too difficult for a dreamer who hungers for success. But the road isn’t always paved with flower beds. There are challenges out there that can slow your progress or otherwise get you off-track.
It’s only a matter of knowing these barriers and finding the best ways to conquer them so you can keep your momentum.
These four obstacles impair business success, and here are ways you can overcome them.
1. Procrastination
The day to day work cycle takes a toll on our motivation. It’s happened to us all at some point, perhaps more often than not.
Procrastination is not a temptation that will go away. We have to recognize it and work to correct ourselves when we realize we are falling victim to it. Procrastination costs us and often carries a hefty price tag.
What causes procrastination, and what can we do to improve ourselves in this area?
- Start with the Nastiest To-Do: Procrastination often comes from a distaste for doing the task at hand. By getting the worst out of the way first, when you are the most rested, the rest of the day is much smoother sailing
- Trying To Be Perfect: We need to acknowledge that we are human, which means total perfection is futile. However, by nature, we all strive and want to be perfect, spending an incredible amount of time and energy trying to achieve perfection.
We need to accept our imperfection instead of trying to hide it. Unless it is brain surgery, 80% accurate is probably adequate. Do the best you can without beating a dead horse, then consider it practice and learn from your mistakes.
Visually picture what it is going to be like when you accomplish this task, and always remember why you are committed to your goal.
2. Fear
Failure keeps you from reaching the top, but it’s the fear of failure that crushes you.
Fear is a perceived presence of danger and a primary instigator of procrastination. Fear festers for various reasons: fear of failure, fear of rejection, fear of looking like a fool, and sometimes even fear of success. Most fears are unfounded and can paralyze your progress.
Once you recognize your fear, you can acknowledge it and stare it down. When you take ownership of your fear, you are more likely to overcome it, so it will not keep holding you back in life.
Failure can be frightening. It can change us as a person, but the way that it reshapes us can often convince us that our mistakes make up who we are. This is far from the truth.
Don’t let failure define you, and certainly don’t let your fear of failure be a factor that influences the growth of your business.
3. Distraction
Distractions can kill the momentum you’ve been building. If you are not careful enough, unknowingly inconsequential things can take precedence over everything else.
Email and social media are some of the biggest productivity pigs of our day. We start on the medium to serve a specific purpose, and then the next thing we know, we are captured and wasting time on something completely unrelated.
The best way you can reach your goals is to remain focused on the objective you want to achieve. Remember your priorities for running a business, and don’t allow yourself to lose your focus.
4. Self-doubt
Self-doubt pits you against the worst of your critics – yourself.
No one knows your flaws better than you do. This is why when you hear statements such as “I’m lazy” or “I’m nothing but a failure” coming from your own thoughts and words, it can weigh heavier than usual.
Being honest with yourself and mindful of your bad habits puts you on the road to betterment. Be to yourself what you would want from your best friend. Take a good look in the mirror every day. Vow to live with integrity, allowing yourself to become the great person you are. Own your mistakes, forgive yourself, and love yourself. Work on those bad habits and improve yourself every day!
Look back to where your journey started, isn’t it amazing that you’ve come this far already? Take the next step in building a strong business with mentorship. See what the help of Business Untangled can do to help you exceed your goals!
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