The Secret to Developing the Habits of a Winner in Business

by | Jun 15, 2020 | Business Strategy

Whether it’s playing the violin, sports, or managing a financial investment, you only will excel at your craft when you put your heart and soul into it. It’s the same with running a business.

It is vital to develop the essential skills which will help you grow your company’s profit.  

Practice makes perfect, so you will do well spend time honing critical skills like communicating with potential business partners or analyzing ideas for new products and services. 

Then there is the business side of running your business, you know, the part that makes your head hurt!

You may be the top expert in your field and yet fail miserably at managing the red tape of running your business.  If this is the case, you probably won’t be in business for long. However, if you are just mediocre in your profession and a good manager, you could have a tremendous business!

“You have got to learn the language of business 

otherwise, you have got no shot!”         

             –  Mark Cuban

You can be a success in your profession without being an expert in all areas of business management.  Be smart and hire competent professionals to help you; it could literally save your business.  Align your professionals.  As a business owner, you need to have quality advisors for tax and legal purposes.  It is also beneficial to have mentors in your field that can save you from costly mistakes.  Surround yourself with people who you feel are successful themselves.  If they can’t do it for themselves, how can they help you?  

At this point, you will need to know how you can reach a certain level of competence in one area of your business. Surround yourself with people who are where you want to be.  You can learn a lot by reading inspirational books by people who “made it” or listen to TED Talks featuring successful entrepreneurs. 

Getting input from experts is only a small part of learning. A large part of it comes from the application — repeated application to be specific.

Taking baby steps

Can you remember when you were trying to learn a difficult word when you were a child? You spent a lot of time trying to repeat it. You had writing drills to learn to spell the word. And you used the word during conversations in class. As you reached college, you found that you had already mastered the word, and you use it without even thinking about it.

You have to know that being good at something starts with fundamental knowledge. You work your way up until you become an expert at it. One thing that can do that for you is blogging.  Tho keep in mind, writing a blog about a specific topic is one thing, but it’s another to write a blog that generates interest and impacts your audience’s decisions. That should be your goal.  

What separates you from becoming an expert at something is practice. Here is where repetition does its magic.

The real deal with repetition

For many educators, repetition is a vital tool to help learners understand new concepts. And since learning is a lifelong process, business owners might as well invest their time trying to master a particular skill. 

It’s important to be a Jack or Jane of all trades if you are a small business owner. 

For instance, when it comes to time management, make a habit out of updating your digital calendars with tasks and appointments. When it comes to marketing, you can practice writing blogs and other content on your own. Even if you think you are not so good at it, writing articles about your industry every day helps you hone these essential skills in marketing.

You start by learning the basics. Once you have acquired mastery over the basics, use the knowledge you currently possess to proceed to the next level. Take it one step at a time. Become an expert in a certain skill or area, and you can start unlocking opportunities for continued growth.

Consistency is the key here. 

Repetition will not be effective if you’re not committed to a routine.

So, in whatever you do, be consistent and practice a skill every day. It will undoubtedly flow out from you naturally before you even know it, and now you are a master at it. 

Don’t get discouraged when your goal seems so far away.  If every day you take one baby step forward, it is forward.  Imagine where you will be after a month or a year? Try it – you will be surprised!

To create unstoppable momentum, get yourself a mentor.  As the famous American entrepreneur, author, and speaker, Jim Rohn said, Two people can do the work of ten.”   

See you in the big-time! 

Are you ready to learn the language of business?  Business Untangled is a mentor that can help you master the ABCs of running your business.  Contact us today!

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