Tips For Converting Time To Money and Success

by | Aug 4, 2021 | Business Strategy

How much do you value your time as a business owner? If your success is tied to the amount of time you put into your business, it is vital you make the most of every minute.

Have you ever been late to an important meeting? When you commit to a schedule, the other party will expect you to arrive at the time and date you agreed on. For all you know, they also have other matters to which to attend. So, if you are coming in late, two things might happen: It’s either the person will wait for you to arrive or cancel the meeting altogether.

Both these situations create mistrust. You will need to go over and beyond to win them back.

Time as a currency

It’s one thing to lose an expensive fountain pen, but it’s another to waste a person’s time. You can always replace the pen, but you can never take back lost time.

If we take out the hours for sleeping, eating, and family time, there is just so much we can manage to achieve each day. So, just like money, time has to be spent wisely.

Part of what I do is help busy small business owners concentrate on growth. What I have observed is how controlled they are with their time. Unless the meeting is casual, focus on the immediate agenda, and don’t waste time talking about anything off-topic. They finish scheduled meetings on time, and they are never late for an appointment.

If you value your time as much as the next person, here’s a list you can do to make the most of it:

Tips for valuing time

Be considerate. When booking a meeting/appointment with someone, be very specific. For example, say “I have Tuesday at 10 am, or Wednesday at 11 am is open; which time would you like to book?”. The goal here is to give them the advantage of choice. However, the bonus is it makes you seem busy, and your time appears more valuable. You wouldn’t know what the other person has planned out for the week, so allow them to pick a time and date that fit their needs. Once they have made their choice, take a look at your schedule and see if it stacks up. If you notice any overlaps, tell the other person right away so they can pick another schedule.

Once you have a meeting booked, ensure you do everything in your power to be there on time and ideally early if possible.

If the other person is late, give them a grace period. This is the amount of time you can wait for them to arrive. For a face-to-face meeting, you can wait as long as 20 minutes at the venue. The other person could be stuck in traffic. If it’s a virtual meeting, give them at least 30 minutes.

If someone does come late or cancels the meeting on such late notice, reach out to them and ask them for a reason. Keep your cool and diplomatic. The person could have handled an emergency along the way, so avoid making hasty assumptions. If they don’t give an acceptable answer, you might want to check if it’s worth scheduling a meeting with this same person.

In case of a meeting over the phone or through Zoom, it’s important to commit to an agenda. This will help the other person prepare suitable materials and information. If you are conducting a survey with a client, be specific with the number of questions you will be asking. You can also choose to send them a copy of the questions in advance.

The bottom line…

NEVER EVER undervalue your time…

Make the most of your meetings by letting people how much you follow every hour you spend with them.

It’s more an issue of mutual benefit. When the other person sees you arriving minutes before the scheduled meeting, they will know how seriously you treat your appointments. As a result, they will also show the same level of respect towards you. They will have to think twice about their intention to keep you waiting.

Don’t let anyone waste your time. Be ruthless. You will create an internal environment of self-respect that will reflect itself outwards in everything you do.

And to help you reclaim more time (and more money) as you operate your business, reach out to us at Business Untangled.

Call us today and learn how to become just as efficient with your time as other successful entrepreneurs!

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