Your Strengths Start Out as Weaknesses

by | Jan 28, 2020 | Business Strategy

Do you ever look back on something you thought was difficult, only to now believe it’s easy?

The point is, we don’t start out in life with strengths set in stone. We start with an empty slate.  Life is a process of learning and unlearning new things, but either way, we become better versions of ourselves!

After all, education is a lifelong process. You should always be open to learning more.  If you think you know everything, that is a weakness to itself. Our weaknesses can become our strong points when we make an effort. 

The same is true in running a business.

You should ask yourself which weaknesses are preventing you from obtaining your goals. If they are not supporting your desired achievements, while improving them would be nice, it is not necessary. You can still run your business without getting better in all weak areas.

On the other hand, if not having a specific skill is preventing you from getting a new client, and that is important to you (it’s not for everybody), then you may want to focus on getting better at that skill.

This is when you use the strengths-once-were-weaknesses mindset. It helps you to figure out what steps you need to take to improve the current stage of your weakness. It can help you to determine the time required to get it done. You will also need to understand what it will take to improve the deficiency so that you can accurately measure your success. 

Here’s a guide to help you:

1. Stay committed

When you think your company is doing well with the services it offers, but your customers don’t, learn from the negative feedback, and keep improving from there.

Failures can sap you of the willingness to move forward. Nothing much happens from accepting defeat. Being bad at something doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll be bad at it forever. To be good at something requires focused effort, perseverance, and a willingness to do whatever it takes to improve. 

2. Do away with fear

Often, our fears fuel our weaknesses. Being afraid of the unknown prevents us from trying out new things. We become so attached to our comfort zones that we miss out on the best that life has to offer. You often find yourself avoiding risks only to find out that behind these risks are chances for growing your business. Never let these opportunities slip between your fingers.

3. Never conceal your weaknesses

Certain components of your business may lag behind everything else, and that’s totally fine!  Every enterprise has its weakest link. But instead of ignoring it, you should know how best to improve it. Every weakness has the potential to become a strength. Look at your short-comings through a critical lens instead of discarding them outright just because they are not producing results like they are supposed to. Give your weaknesses some thoughts, and you’ll find a way to transform them from a hindrance to an advantage. 

Build your strengths and craft strategies that are bound to give amazing results… with a little help from Business Untangled!

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