Can You Say No Effectively?

Can You Say No Effectively?

Being in business means knowing how to build relationships, whether it is with clients or other entrepreneurs. However, there are times that you will need to set boundaries so you can reserve time and energy for more important activities.  You cannot overburden...

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Dealing with the Anxiety Bug

Dealing with the Anxiety Bug

As a business owner, you know how important it is to stay focused and confident. It would be best if you have enough clarity to make the best decisions. But what if you occasionally experience fits of anxiety? We have different reasons to feel anxious, and that's...

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How Can I Keep More Money?

How Can I Keep More Money?

When you start building your small business, it’s easy to get overambitious right off the starting line and spend all your working capital to look like a real business.    "Strike while the iron is hot," as they say.   Still, you need to reserve a chunk of your...

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How Can I Accomplish More?

How Can I Accomplish More?

In today’s working environment, we have had to learn a different normal for getting our job done.  It’s not unusual to find ourselves working on many tasks simultaneously; we find that we don’t get as much accomplished as we think we should.   You might be surprised...

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