Think of Banana Splits and Licorice

Think of Banana Splits and Licorice

Ever have one of those days when you don't want to go to work? We all have those days.  As an entrepreneur, it is beneficial to not let it get to us and create a better mindset    Is it possible to create a better mood for yourself? Can you do it for others? If it is...

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Want To Save Your Ass-ets?

Want To Save Your Ass-ets?

You saw it in the news last night.  Someone’s business was involved in an accident or a tragedy and it wasn’t even their fault!   Did you know they are at risk of losing EVERYTHING if their business is not set up to protect their family?   While we may not be able to...

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Hard Work Equals Soft Stress

Hard Work Equals Soft Stress

Working Hard without Burning Out   Nothing sends stress levels through the roof quite like the word “work.”   It’s something we simply couldn’t avoid. You have got to toil to earn a living. There’s no other way you can go about it and business owners know it...

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Do you trust your bank too much?

Do you trust your bank too much?

By all appearances, it seems that today’s Millennial generation doesn’t understand the value of regularly reconciling their bank account, but they are not alone.   The general mindset is: “If it shows a credit balance online, there must be money to spend”  This may...

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