Results for "1" Time is money. It’s a common phrase many business owners take to heart. But the real question should be, “How much time are you wasting?” Indeed, the success (even the survival!) of your business will depend mostly on how you answer this...
Results for "1" “Do You Want Your Receipt?” When the cashier asks you that question – the answer is YES! While we don’t actually need all receipts, I have “never” seen anyone upset because they had a receipt and did not need it. However,...
Results for "1" Do you feel like you need something to get you through the business day? Something that helps you get that last task done, that final item on your checklist crossed off, and that one thing you said you would get to eventually? What you might...
Everyone has an artistic side. You could be good at painting without even knowing it. Creativity is innate in all of us, and it is possible to harness it for our own personal and professional success. Running a business counts as creative work as your business will...
Have you ever been in a crisis? Many of us have. It’s not something you could easily avoid. Bad things can happen unexpectedly and they impact us in ways that leave us confused and lost for answers. Indeed, why do bad things happen to good people? It’s...
Opportunities are out there and the only way we can grab hold of them is to leap out of our comfort zones and confront our challenges head-on. We’re always told to be proactive, to be where the action is. We don’t get much out of being comfortable wherever...