Your Strengths Start Out as Weaknesses Do you ever look back on something you thought was difficult, only to now believe it’s easy? The point is, we don’t start out in life with strengths set in stone. We start with an empty slate. Life is a process of learning and...
Develop A Vision for Success! When people visualize something, they move closer towards realizing it. They see the vision in their heads and then take steps to make it happen. This is how Thomas Edison improved the lightbulb (he didn’t invent it as many believe)....
What Is The Secret Of Starting A Home-based Business? If you have read Business Untangled’s ebook, “How Your Dream Business Can Make Your Life Less Taxing,” you know that starting a business is the #1 tax strategy that works for most anyone’s unique tax...
How can changes bring you new chances for success? Another year has passed… or should I say another decade? While you are reflecting on the past ten years, we have to agree that change is inevitable. Most people resist change. But change can be very good as it...
Should I lease or buy my new car? It’s the Holiday Season, and you are excited to get a new ride for yourself before the end of the year. But have you thought about the purchase process itself? As a business owner, you should look into the practicality of getting a...
What can you count on? Ever feel like the only thing you can count on is your calculator? At times it may be frustrating, but are you that person that others can count on? “Trust Takes Years To Build, Seconds To Break And Forever To Repair” ...