On Your Mark, Get Set, GO!

On Your Mark, Get Set, GO!

How are you going to start your new year?  It's time to begin working on those 2020 goals. Actually, maybe there’s one thing you should do BEFORE you start. If you take a small amount of time to get organized first, you will find it worth your while! How often do you...

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How can you have a fun business?

How can you have a fun business?

There is no law against enjoying working in your business!   In fact, making your hobby into a business is a great idea! If you turn your hobby into a business, you will love what you do and be diligent about working it. And fortunately, there is absolutely no law...

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Is Your Credit Naughty or Nice?

Is Your Credit Naughty or Nice?

It's the season Americans get caught up in the holiday spirit and throw financial caution and good judgment to the wind. Well-meaning people spend way over their means during the season and then stress out for the next year to pay down their overloaded charge cards....

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Should I lease or buy my new car?

Should I lease or buy my new car?

It’s the Holiday Season, and you are excited to get a new ride for yourself before the end of the year.  But have you thought about the purchase process itself? As a business owner, you should look into the practicality of getting a vehicle even when it is for...

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A Crash Course on Rebuilding Trust

A Crash Course on Rebuilding Trust

Trust is broken; what can you do now? Trust isn’t easy to acquire from a person. But if you build enough of it with someone, goals become easier to attain - particularly when you’re aiming to build a highly profitable business.  Yet, life happens, and sometimes we...

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